How to Add Stroke to Your Buttons Shopify?

How to Add Stroke to Your Buttons Shopify? A Complete Guide

Want to learn how to add stroke to your buttons Shopify to boost your store's look and conversion rate, then this step-by-step guide is for you. In this guide, we teach you how to add borders or strokes to your Shopify store buttons.

Before you add a stroke to your Shopify button, know the importance of buttons in the e-commerce business.

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Importance of Button Design in Ecommerce Business

A bad button design can decrease your ecommerce website conversion rate because it directly impacts the user experience. You should design your buttons properly for the following primary reasons:

1. Important Points of the User Purchase Journey

Buttons are the main points of the user purchase journey for an ecommerce website. They guide users to take specific actions such as “Add to Cart”, “Buy Now”, or “Download Now”.

2. Enhances Visibility

A proper design, color, and placement button on a page improves visibility, making it easy to find and take action. This will increase your store's conversion rate.

3. Builds Trust

Consistent button design and color scheme build customer trust and improve brand value.

4. Create a Visual Hierarchy

Create a proper visual hierarchy to indicate the importance of action; for example, primary call-to-action buttons should be more prominent compared to secondary action buttons.

5. Increase Conversion Rates

A well-designed and placed button can boost conversion rates; it makes it easy to find and complete desired actions by converting potential customers and buyers.

What is the stroke (border) on buttons?

A stroke is a design border; basically, it is an outline that surrounds buttons or any shape. In Shopify, you can change the stroke color, thickness, style, or opacity. You can use strokes for:

1. Defines the Button's Shape

You can change the stroke shape from rectangle, circular, or rounded according to your branding.

2. Creates Visual Contrast

Stroke creates visual contrast between button and background. For example, if you light a color button on a white background, a stroke creates a visual contrast.

3. Enhances Clickability

A well-designed stroke enhances the clickability of the button.

4. Adds Depth and Dimension

Stroke gives the button a 3D effect that looks like a real or physical element.

5. Supports Branding and Style

You can customize buttons to match branding and your Shopify store's aesthetics.

6. Improves accessibility

When you add strokes to buttons, visitors can see them even in low-light conditions.

Different Stroke Styles You Can Add to Buttons

There are different stroke styles you can add to your Shopify store button. Here we mention some of the stroke styles and their use cases.

Different Stroke Styles

#1 Solid Stroke -

A solid stroke is a continuous, unbroken line around the button. It is best for the primary call-to-action buttons such as "Buy Now,"  "Submit," or “Download.”

#2 Dashed or Dotted Stroke -

Suitable for secondary actions like "Learn More" or "Optional Features."

#3 Double Stroke -

This type of stroke is often used on luxury or premium brand websites where a more refined appearance is desired.

#4 Gradient Stroke -

Ideal for modern ecommerce stores, such as "Sign Up" or "Get Started."

#5 Inset Stroke -

This type of stroke is used with call to action buttons such as "Start" or "Proceed."

#6 Outline Stroke -

Commonly used for secondary or tertiary buttons like "Cancel" or "More Info."

#7 Neon or Glowing Stroke -

This stroke style is best for attention-grabbing buttons in entertainment or gaming websites, such as "Play Now" or "Join the Club."

#8 Embossed/Engraved Stroke -

This stroke style is used to mimic real world elements like control panels and dashboards.

#9 Blurred Stroke -

This stroke style is suitable for background buttons or when the emphasis is on the text or icon inside the button rather than the button itself.

#10 Textured Stroke -

Textured stroke is often used in niche designs, such as craft-related websites, rustic-themed interfaces, or high-end luxury brands.

If you have read so far, you have learned about the importance of button design, types of stroke styles, and their use cases. Now jump directly to the step-by-step guide.

How to Add Stroke to Your Buttons Shopify?

Adding a stroke (or border) to buttons in Shopify can be done by customizing the CSS in your Shopify theme. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access Your Shopify Admin

   - Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Themes

   - Go to Online Store > Themes.

  1. Edit Code

   - In the "Current theme" section, click on Actions > Edit code.

  1. Find the CSS File

   - Locate your theme’s CSS file, usually named `theme.css`, `styles.css`, or similar, found under Assets.

  1. Add CSS for Button Stroke

   - Add the following CSS code at the bottom of the file to add a stroke to all buttons:


   .btn {

       border: 2px solid #000; /* Change #000 to the color of your choice */

       padding: 10px 20px; /* Adjust padding as needed */

       border-radius: 5px; /* Adjust border-radius for rounded corners if desired */


   - If you want to target specific buttons, you may need to use more specific selectors like `.btn-primary`, `.btn-secondary`, or custom class names associated with the button.

  1. Save Your Changes

   - Once you’ve added the code, click Save.

  1. Preview and Test

   - Preview your store to see the changes. Make sure the stroke appears correctly on all the buttons.

  1. Adjust if Necessary

   - You may need to tweak the CSS if the stroke doesn’t look as expected. Adjust the border width, color, or padding to get the desired look.

This method allows you to add a stroke to your buttons across your Shopify store. If you only want to add a stroke to specific buttons, you can modify the CSS selector accordingly.

More Guide for You to Customize Button on Shopify Store

Final Words

After reading this complete guide, you can not only add strokes to your Shopify store buttons but also customize them to give them an aesthetic look according to your store design. Even now, if you are having some issues, you can contact us for Shopify store design and development support. We have a team of Shopify expert developers who are experts in customizing and developing stores according to your requirements.