How to Optimize Shopify for Mobile?

How to Optimize Shopify for Mobile?

This guide covers all the points to make your Shopify store responsive.

Statistics you should know about mobile responsive e-commerce website

Mobile is the fastest and easiest way to buy products and services users need in clicks. Most online buyers purchase products from mobile, so if your website is not mobile responsive, you are missing big opportunities to sell products. Here is the data you should know an ecommerce business owners.

Here are the statistics you should know:

  • In 2020, 52.2% of all online traffic worldwide came from mobile devices.
  • By 2025, it is projected that mobile ecommerce sales will make up 72.9% of all ecommerce sales worldwide.
  • In 2021, Google reported that 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor's site instead.
  • Research shows that mobile responsive ecommerce websites can increase conversions by up to 30%.
  • A survey from the National Retail Federation found that over 80% of smartphone users use their devices to shop online.
It's clear that mobile responsiveness is becoming increasingly important for ecommerce websites.

Here are the few points to optimize a Shopify store for mobile devices

  1. Use a responsive theme: Shopify offers a variety of mobile-responsive themes that automatically adjust to the size of the device's screen.
  2. Optimize images: Large, high-resolution images can slow down page load times on mobile devices. Use smaller, optimized images to improve load times.
  3. Simplify navigation: Keep the navigation simple and easy to use on a small screen. Consider using a hamburger menu to hide less important links.
  4. Use a mobile-specific layout: Some themes allow you to create a different layout for mobile devices, which can be useful for highlighting certain products or sections of your store.
  5. Use Shopify apps: There are many apps available in the Shopify app store that can help with mobile optimization, such as apps for mobile-specific theme designs, image optimization, and more.
  6. Test on multiple devices: Before launch, make sure to test your site on multiple devices to ensure it works as expected across different screen sizes and resolutions.
  7. Optimize for speed: Make sure your site is loading fast on mobile devices, by compressing images, minifying code and using a content delivery network.